Stewed fruit & chia seed breakfast

Chia Seed Breakfasts- Start the day as you mean to go on!

Dear Readers,

Todays post is all about the beautiful meal, BREAKFAST! Many people out there allow this meal to pale into insignificance. Ever since we became too ‘old’ for coco pops its like breakfast just doesn’t seem fun anymore. It becomes merely a process one ‘should’ go though each morning rather than a meal to take pleasure in, with the majority of us tending to inhale it as we run for the door or just skip it altogether! This my friends is sacrilege! So, my aim, to assist all you in re-discovering your long lost love of breakfast.

My sales pitch begins with the benefits- improved concentration, better metabolism for the rest of the day, stops the mid morning snacking and calms the nervous system. But really all this relates back to the most obvious benefit, energy. If we skip this meal, we are not just going the morning with out food but adding another 5 or so hours on to the 10 or so hours we have already gone since dinner. So in total we’re looking at starving our body of its main energy source for at least 15 hours, if not more. Of course when we are sleeping our body has to fast; its a time for our digestive organs to repair and relax. However when we begin to wake, our bodies functioning gets kicked up a notch, we begin to increase strain on the heart, brain and lungs and if not fuelled up correctly those poor little organs are exhausted before they’ve even begun. 

Ayurveda (the ancient healing system of india) agrees with this but reminds us that breakfast isn’t effective just by eating it, its by eating it consciously that we can really reap its’ benefits.  The most important thing Ayurveda tells us about breakfast is to ensure it’s easily digestible, energy releasing and warming for the internal organs. And this makes sense, right? I mean we’ve gone however long without food and then suddenly eat things like bread and meat and our bodies our like ‘woah I haven’t woken up yet and now i’m going to have to try to digest this? Expect no energy left by the end of this mammoth task.’ But give it some gentle coaxing back to life with simple clean eating foods then likelihood is your body will be thanking you for the rest of the day. 

For me not only the eating of breakfast has become somewhat of an obsession but also the making of it. Weekends I tend to splash out with something like my healthy banana and blueberry pancakes (see other recipes); both delicious, healthy and easy to digest. Then during the week it’s all about the chia seed breakfast; consisting of soaked chia seeds, homemade granola and stewed fruit, (which although you can have cold, I like to heat in the microwave each morning). I usually make batch of all this on a sunday or monday evening to save me doing it throughout the week.  Trust me this may sound arduous but it literally takes 5 minutes of prep and 10-15 minutes of cooking time. 

So, are you persuaded yet? Tell you what, give some of the stewed fruit and chia seed breakfast recipe below a go and the see how you feel. I’m positive once you’ve experienced how tasty and body reviving these breakfasts can be, you are sure to re-kindle that love!

The recipe below is one of my chia seed breakfast favourites. If you fancy it with a bit of crunch like I do then take a look at one of my homemade granola recipes, a perfect addition to this ‘body thanking’ breakfast. 

Happy eating 🙂


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